Containerized MPI applications¶
Using the host MPI¶
Binding to the host¶
Containerized MPI applications can be run with Singularity. However, in order to
properly make use of LUMI's high-speed network, it is necessary to mount a few
host system directories inside the container and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
so that
the necessary dynamic libraries are available at run time. Doing that, the MPI
installed in the container image is replaced by the host's.
We have put together all the necessary setup in a module that can be installed by the user with EasyBuild:
module load LUMI partition/<lumi-partition> EasyBuild-user
eb singularity-bindings-system-cpeGNU-<toolchain-version>.eb -r
That will create the module singularity-bindings/system-cpeGNU-<toolchain-version>
More information on installing software with EasyBuild can be found
Create a container compatible with LUMI¶
Let's consider a simple example to see how to use the singularity-bindings
run a containerized MPI application.
For MPI-enabled containers, the application inside the container must be dynamically linked to an MPI version that is ABI-compatible with the host MPI.
First we are going to prepare an image. The
following Singularity definition file mpi_osu.def
, installs MPICH-3.1.4, which
is ABI-compatible with the Cray-MPICH found on LUMI. That MPICH will be used to
compile the OSU microbenchmarks. Finally, the OSU point to
point bandwidth test is set as the runscript of the image.
bootstrap: docker
from: ubuntu:21.04
# Install software
apt-get update
apt-get install -y file g++ gcc gfortran make gdb strace wget ca-certificates --no-install-recommends
# Install mpich
wget -q
tar xf mpich-3.1.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.1.4
./configure --disable-fortran --enable-fast=all,O3 --prefix=/usr
make -j$(nproc)
make install
# Build osu benchmarks
wget -q
tar xf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2.tar.gz
cd osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local CC=$(which mpicc) CFLAGS=-O3
make install
cd ..
rm -rf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2
rm osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2.tar.gz
The image can be built outside of LUMI with
The OSU point-to-point bandwidth test can be run with
module load singularity-bindings
srun --partition=<partition> --account=<account> \
--nodes=2 singularity run mpi_osu.sif
which gives the bandwidth measured for different message sizes
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v5.3.2
# Size Bandwidth (MB/s)
1 3.00
2 6.01
4 12.26
8 24.53
16 49.83
32 97.97
64 192.37
128 379.80
256 716.64
512 1386.52
1024 2615.18
2048 4605.69
4096 6897.21
8192 9447.54
16384 10694.19
32768 11419.39
65536 11802.31
131072 11997.96
262144 12100.20
524288 12162.28
1048576 12207.27
2097152 12230.66
4194304 12242.46
Using the container MPI¶
MPI applications can be run without replacing the container's MPI. To do so,
Slurm needs to be instructed to use the PMI-2 process management interface by
passing --mpi=pmi2
to srun
This gives lower bandwidths, especially for the larger message sizes
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v5.3.2
# Size Bandwidth (MB/s)
1 0.50
2 1.61
4 3.57
8 6.54
16 9.65
32 18.04
64 35.27
128 67.76
256 91.12
512 221.09
1024 278.88
2048 471.54
4096 917.02
8192 1160.74
16384 1223.41
32768 1397.97
65536 1452.23
131072 2373.07
262144 2104.56
524288 2316.71
1048576 2478.30
2097152 2481.68
4194304 2380.51
Like in this example, the performance obtained doing this might be quite low compared to the results obtained when using the host's MPI.
For a higher-level overview, you can read a tutorial on MPI in containers.