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Container jobs

LUMI provides access to a singularity runtime for running applications in software containers. Currently, there are two major providers of the singularity runtime, namely Singularity CE and Apptainer, with the latter being a fork of the former. For most cases, these should be fully compatible. LUMI provides the singularity runtime included in the HPE Cray Operating System (a SUSE Linux based OS) running on LUMI - no modules need to be loaded to use singularity on LUMI. You can always check the version of singularity using the command singularity --version.

See the Apptainer/Singularity containers install page for details about creating LUMI compatible software containers.

The basics of running a container on LUMI

Applications in a container may be run by combining Slurm commands with Singularity commands, e.g., to get the version of Ubuntu running in a container stored as "ubuntu_22.04.sif", we may use srun to execute the singularity container

$ srun --partition=<partition> --account=<account> singularity exec ubuntu_21.04.sif cat /etc/os-release

which prints something along the lines of

PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

Binding network file systems in the container

By default, the network file system partitions, such as /scratch or /project are not accessible from the within the container. To make them available, they need to be explicitly bound by passing the -B/--bind command line option to singularity exec/run. For instance

$ srun --partition=<partition> --account=<project_name> singularity exec -B /scratch/<project_name> ubuntu_21.04.sif ls /scratch/<account>


Since project folder paths like /scratch/<project_name> and /project/<project_name> are symlinks on LUMI, you must bind these full paths to make them available in the container. Simply binding /scratch or /project will not work.

Running containerized MPI applications

Running MPI applications in a container requires that you either bind the host MPI (the MPI stack provided as part of the software stack available on the compute node) or install a LUMI compatible MPI stack in the container.


For MPI-enabled containers, the application inside the container must be dynamically linked to an MPI version that is ABI-compatible with the host MPI.

Using the host MPI

To properly make use of LUMI's high-speed network, it is necessary to mount a few host system directories inside the container and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the necessary dynamic libraries are available at run time. This way, the host's MPI stack replaces the MPI installed in the container image.

All the necessary components are available in a module that can be installed by the user via EasyBuild

$ module load LUMI partition/<lumi-partition>

Running e.g. the OSU point-to-point bandwidth test container can then be done using

$ module load singularity-bindings
$ srun --time=5 --partition=<partition> --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --account=<account> singularity run  mpi_osu.sif

which gives the bandwidth measured for different message sizes, i.e., something along the lines of

# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v7.4
# Datatype: MPI_CHAR.
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       2.50
2                       5.50
4                      11.03
8                      22.15
16                     44.07
32                     88.62
64                    177.22
128                   351.81
256                   601.45
512                  1308.68
1024                 2596.95
2048                 5150.26
4096                10025.73
8192                17790.65
16384               20705.33
32768               21661.02
65536               22848.10
131072              23301.75
262144              23700.72
524288              23845.06
1048576             23924.48
2097152             23965.17
4194304             23979.38

Using the container MPI

MPI applications can also be run using an MPI stack installed in the container. To do so, Slurm needs to be instructed to use the PMI-2 process management interface by passing --mpi=pmi2 to srun, e.g.

$ srun --time=5 --partition=<partition> --account=<account> --mpi=pmi2 --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 singularity run mpi_osu.sif

which produces an output along the lines of

# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v7.4
# Datatype: MPI_CHAR.
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       0.23
2                       0.46
4                       0.95
8                       1.80
16                      3.27
32                      6.31
64                     13.05
128                    22.23
256                    40.47
512                    62.13
1024                   81.24
2048                  100.24
4096                  106.50
8192                  114.32
16384                 116.41
32768                 117.44
65536                 118.10
131072                117.90
262144                118.27
524288                118.48
1048576               118.56
2097152               118.60
4194304               118.63

Note that this approach gives lower bandwidths, especially for the larger message sizes, than is the case when using the host MPI. In general, the performance obtained from using the container MPI might be quite low compared to the results obtained when using the host's MPI. For a more in-depth discussion about MPI in containers, we suggest that you read this introduction to MPI in containers.