Create LUMI-O credentials¶
Go to LUMI-O credentials management service page. And click on "-> Go to login".
Choose the correct authentication provider which for LUMI is "MyAccessID" and follow the authentication procedure.
This page displays all of the projects that are associated with your account. It shows the project number, project description, set storage quota, in GB, for a specific project and how much of said quota is used up. Additionally this page allows to create the necessary authentication keys, which are required for accessing the object storage.
The Usage column does not display correct data as the feature is still being implemented
To create an authentication access key pair. Open up the side menu from the rightward pointing arrow. In this example we are opening the side menu for the project 462000008, for which we will create the authentication key pair for.
The side menu allows for the creation of access keys. To generate an access key "Duration (hours)" and "Key description" fields must be filled out.
A good practice is to set the authentication key pair duration for the job walltime. That way the job can get move the necessary data from LUMI-O the scratch filesystem, Perform the necessary calculations and after finishing move the data back to LUMI-O.
When filling out the duration keep the previous advice in mind.
The key description should be something relevant to the job it is meant for, that way it is easier to manage the created keys, should there be more than a few at the same time.
After the necessary fields are created click on "Generate key". The generated key will appear in the side menu under "Available keys". The previously mentionned key "Description" field is visible there, that makes it easy to distinguish between several keys.
Click on the newly generated Access key. This opens up the key's content. It provides the necessary "Access key" and "Secret key". Additionally "Key description", which project said key is related to, owner of the key and finally Creation and Expiry dates.
From this side menu, it is also possible to extend the key.
Downloading a configuration template for different object storage clients like shell, boto3, rlcone, s3cmd and aws. Which after selecting the desired object storage client and clicking "Generate" opens the output in a new browser tab.
Finally, by scrolling down in the menu this side menu allows you to delete the key. After deletion of a key, a new one needs to be created in order to resume utilizing LUMI-O for a certain project. Keys are non-recoverable but a new one can be created in its place.