Distribution and binding options¶
This section is a deep dive into the advanced topic of binding and distributing tasks via Slurm on LUMI.
For full node allocation only
This section of the documentation only applies if you have a full-node
allocation. This is the case if you submit to the standard
and standard-g
partitions. For other partitions, it will apply if you use the --exclusive
sbatch directive.
A compute node consists of a hierarchy of building blocks: one or more sockets (processors), consisting of multiple physical cores each with one or more logical threads, enabling simultaneous multithreading.
For example, each LUMI-C compute node contains 2 sockets. Each socket has 64 physical cores and each core has 2 logical threads. This means that you can launch up to 2 x 2 x 64 = 256 tasks (or threads) per node.
A processor can also be partitioned in Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) domains. These domains divide the memory into multiple domains local to a group of cores. The memory in the local NUMA node can be accessed faster than the other NUMA nodes leading to better performance when a process/thread access memory on the local NUMA node. LUMI-C use 4 NUMA domains per socket (8 NUMA domains per node). Thread migration from one core to another poses a problem for a NUMA architecture by disconnecting a thread from its local memory allocations.
For the purpose of load balancing, the Linux scheduler will periodically migrate the running processes. As a result, processes are moved between thread, core, or socket within the compute node. However, the memory of a process doesn't necessarily move at the same time leading to slower memory accesses.
Pinning, the binding of a process or thread to a specific core, can improve the performance of your code by increasing the percentage of local memory accesses. Once a process is pinned, it is bound to a specific set of cores and will only run on the cores in this set therefore preventing migration by the operating system.
Correct binding only for full node allocation
Binding anly make senses if your request a full node (user exclusive)
allocation. This is the default for the standard
and standard-g
Slurm binding options¶
This section describes options to control the way the process are pinned and
distributed both between the node and within the nodes when launching your
application with srun
CPU binding¶
Task (process) binding can be done via the --cpu-bind=<bind>
option when
launching your application with srun
with <bind>
the type of resource:
: tasks are pinned to the logical threadscores
: tasks are pinned to the coressockets
: tasks are pinned to the socketsmap_cpu:<list>
: custom bindings of tasks with<list>
a comma-separated list of CPUIDsmask_cpu:<list>
: custom bindings of tasks with<list>
a comma-separated mask of cores
In this example, we have pinned the tasks to the threads. Tasks are assigned the 1 logical threads of the CPU cores.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=2 \
--cpu-bind=threads bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 122525's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 0): pid 122526's current affinity list: 1
task 2 (node 1): pid 105194's current affinity list: 0
task 3 (node 1): pid 105195's current affinity list: 1
In this example, we have pinned the tasks to the cores. Tasks are assigned the 2 logical threads of the CPU cores.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=2 \
--cpu-bind=cores bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 122729's current affinity list: 0,128
task 1 (node 0): pid 122730's current affinity list: 1,129
task 2 (node 1): pid 105389's current affinity list: 0,128
task 3 (node 1): pid 105390's current affinity list: 1,129
In this example, we have pinned the tasks to the sockets. Each task is assigned the 128 logical threads available on the sockets.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=2 \
--cpu-bind=sockets bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 122174's current affinity list: 0-63,128-191
task 1 (node 0): pid 122175's current affinity list: 0-63,128-191
task 2 (node 1): pid 104666's current affinity list: 0-63,128-191
task 3 (node 1): pid 104667's current affinity list: 0-63,128-191
It is possible to specify exactly where each task will run by giving SLURM a list of CPU-IDs to bind to. In this example, we use this feature to run 16 MPI tasks on a LUMI-C compute nodes. In a way that spreads out the MPI ranks across all compute core complexes (CCDs, L3 cache). Typically, this is done to get more effective memory capacity and memory bandwidth per MPI rank and increase cache capacity available to each rank.
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
# First socket
export SLURM_CPU_BIND="map_cpu:0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56"
# Second socket
export SLURM_CPU_BIND="${SLURM_CPU_BIND},64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120"
# Alternative way using the seq command
#export SLURM_CPU_BIND="map_cpu:$(seq -s ',' 0 8 127)"
srun <app> <args>
The example above, we use the SLURM_CPU_BIND
environment variable to set
the CPU map. This is equivalent to using --cpu-bind
option with srun
For hybrid MPI+OpenMP application multiple core need to be assigned to each
of the tasks. These can be achieved by setting a CPU mask,
, where the task masks are
hexadecimal values. For example, with 16 tasks per node and 4 cores
(threads) per task, one every 2 cores assigned to the task. In this
scenario, the base mask will be 0x55
in hexadecimal which is 0b01010101
in binary. Then, to binding masks for the tasks will be
- First task
: cores 0, 2, 4 and 6 - Second task
: cores 8, 10, 12 and 14 - Third task
: cores 16 18 20 and 22 - ...
So that, the CPU mask will be 0x55,0x5500,0x550000,...
. Setting the CPU
mask can be tedious, below is an example script that computes and set the
CPU mask based on the values of SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
#SBATCH --account=<project>
export OMP_PROC_BIND=true
export OMP_PLACES=cores
threads_spacing=$((cpus_per_task / OMP_NUM_THREADS))
for i in $(seq 0 ${threads_spacing} $((cpus_per_task-1)))
base_mask=$((base_mask | (0x1 << i)))
declare -a cpu_masks=()
for i in $(seq 0 ${cpus_per_task} 127)
mask_format="%x%$((16 * (i/64)))s"
task_mask=$(printf ${mask_format} $((base_mask << i)) | tr " " "0")
cpu_masks=(${cpu_masks[@]} ${task_mask})
export SLURM_CPU_BIND=$(IFS=, ; echo "mask_cpu:${cpu_masks[*]}")
srun <app> <args>
More options and details are available in the srun documentation or via
the manpage: man srun
GPU Binding¶
Only 63 cores available on LUMI-G
The LUMI-G compute nodes have the low-noise mode activated. This mode reserve 1 core to the operating system. As a consequence only 63 cores are available to the jobs. Jobs requesting 64 cores/node will never run.
Correct CPU and GPU binding is important to get the best performance out of the
GPU nodes. The reason is that each of the 4 NUMA nodes is directly linked to
one of the 4 MI250x GPU modules. You can query this topology using the rocm-smi
command with the --showtoponuma
$ rocm-smi --showtoponuma
====================== Numa Nodes ======================
GPU[0] : (Topology) Numa Node: 3
GPU[0] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 3
GPU[1] : (Topology) Numa Node: 3
GPU[1] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 3
GPU[2] : (Topology) Numa Node: 1
GPU[2] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 1
GPU[3] : (Topology) Numa Node: 1
GPU[3] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 1
GPU[4] : (Topology) Numa Node: 0
GPU[4] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 0
GPU[5] : (Topology) Numa Node: 0
GPU[5] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 0
GPU[6] : (Topology) Numa Node: 2
GPU[6] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 2
GPU[7] : (Topology) Numa Node: 2
GPU[7] : (Topology) Numa Affinity: 2
================= End of ROCm SMI Log ==================
As you can see, there is no direct correspondence between the numbering of the NUMA nodes and the numbering of the GPUs (GCDs). As a consequence, depending on how the rank and threads of your application choose the GPU to use, you may need to a the combination of CPU and GPU binding options.
Application that can select GPU automatically¶
If your application automatically selects the GPU to use by using the node local rank, i.e., the first rank on the node select GPU 0, the second, GPU 1, ..., then it is recommended to reorder the assignment of the rank to the NUMA node so that
- rank 0 and 1 are assigned to NUMA node 3, close to GPUs 0 and 1
- rank 2 and 3 are assigned to NUMA node 1, close to GPUs 2 and 3
- rank 4 and 5 are assigned to NUMA node 0, close to GPUs 4 and 5
- rank 6 and 7 are assigned to NUMA node 2, close to GPUs 6 and 7
For an MPI application, not using OpenMP, the binding can be achieved by launching the application using the following command
For a hybrid MPI+OpenMP application, the binding can be achieved by launching the application using the following command
srun --cpu-bind=${CPU_BIND} <app> <args>
Application that cannot select GPU automatically¶
For an application that cannot select GPU automatically, on top on the CPU binding
described in the previous section, you can use a wrapper script in order to set
the GPU binding. This script sets ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES
to the value of the
Slurm defined SLURM_LOCALID
environment variable so that
- for node local rank 0,
- for node local rank 1,
- ...
cat << EOF > select_gpu
exec \$*
chmod +x ./select_gpu
srun <cpu-binding-opt> ./select_gpu <app> <args>
To control the distribution of the tasks, you use the --distribution=<dist>
option of srun
. The value of <dist>
can be subdivided in multiple levels for
the distribution across for the nodes, sockets and cores. The first level of
distribution describes how the tasks are distributed between the nodes.
The block
distribution method will distribute tasks to a node such that
consecutive tasks share a node.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=block bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 115577's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 0): pid 115578's current affinity list: 1
task 2 (node 0): pid 115579's current affinity list: 2
task 3 (node 0): pid 115580's current affinity list: 3
task 4 (node 1): pid 98737's current affinity list: 0
task 5 (node 1): pid 98738's current affinity list: 1
task 6 (node 1): pid 98739's current affinity list: 2
task 7 (node 1): pid 98740's current affinity list: 3
The cyclic
distribution method will distribute tasks to a node such that
consecutive tasks are distributed over consecutive nodes (in a round-robin
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=cyclic bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 115320's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 1): pid 98006's current affinity list: 0
task 2 (node 0): pid 115321's current affinity list: 1
task 3 (node 1): pid 98007's current affinity list: 1
task 4 (node 0): pid 115322's current affinity list: 2
task 5 (node 1): pid 98008's current affinity list: 2
task 6 (node 0): pid 115323's current affinity list: 3
task 7 (node 1): pid 98009's current affinity list: 3
You can specify the distribution across sockets within a node by adding a second
descriptor, with a colon (:
) as a separator. In the example below the numbers
represent the rank of the tasks.
The block:block
distribution method will distribute tasks to the nodes
such that consecutive tasks share a node. On the node, consecutive tasks are
distributed on the same socket before using the next consecutive socket.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=block:block bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 111144's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 0): pid 111145's current affinity list: 1
task 2 (node 0): pid 111146's current affinity list: 2
task 3 (node 0): pid 111147's current affinity list: 3
task 4 (node 1): pid 93838's current affinity list: 0
task 5 (node 1): pid 93839's current affinity list: 1
task 6 (node 1): pid 93840's current affinity list: 2
task 7 (node 1): pid 93841's current affinity list: 3
The block:cyclic
distribution method will distribute tasks to the nodes
such that consecutive tasks share a node. On the node, tasks are
distributed in a round-robin fashion across sockets.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=block:cyclic bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 110049's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 0): pid 110050's current affinity list: 64
task 2 (node 0): pid 110051's current affinity list: 1
task 3 (node 0): pid 110052's current affinity list: 65
task 4 (node 1): pid 92766's current affinity list: 0
task 5 (node 1): pid 92767's current affinity list: 64
task 6 (node 1): pid 92768's current affinity list: 1
task 7 (node 1): pid 92769's current affinity list: 65
The cyclic distribution method will distribute tasks to a node such that consecutive tasks are distributed over consecutive nodes in a round-robin fashion. Within the node, tasks are then distributed in blocks between the sockets.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=cyclic:block bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 114730's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 1): pid 97439's current affinity list: 0
task 2 (node 0): pid 114731's current affinity list: 1
task 3 (node 1): pid 97440's current affinity list: 1
task 4 (node 0): pid 114732's current affinity list: 2
task 5 (node 1): pid 97441's current affinity list: 2
task 6 (node 0): pid 114733's current affinity list: 3
task 7 (node 1): pid 97442's current affinity list: 3
The cyclic distribution method will distribute tasks to a node such that consecutive tasks are distributed over consecutive nodes in a round-robin fashion. Within the node, tasks are then distributed in round-robin fashion between the sockets.
$ srun --nodes=2 \
--ntasks-per-node=4 \
--distribution=cyclic:cyclic bash -c ' \
echo -n "task $SLURM_PROCID (node $SLURM_NODEID): "; \
taskset -cp $$' | sort
task 0 (node 0): pid 114973's current affinity list: 0
task 1 (node 1): pid 97690's current affinity list: 0
task 2 (node 0): pid 114974's current affinity list: 64
task 3 (node 1): pid 97691's current affinity list: 64
task 4 (node 0): pid 114975's current affinity list: 1
task 5 (node 1): pid 97692's current affinity list: 1
task 6 (node 0): pid 114976's current affinity list: 65
task 7 (node 1): pid 97693's current affinity list: 65
More options and details are available in the srun documentation or via
the manpage: man srun
OpenMP Thread Affinity¶
Since version 4, OpenMP provides the OMP_PLACES
environment variables to specify how the OpenMP threads in a program are bound
to processors.
OpenMP places¶
OpenMP use the concept of places to define where the threads should be pinned.
A place is a set of hardware execution environments where a thread can "float".
environment variable defines these places using either an
abstract name or with a list of CPUIDs. The available abstract names are
: hardware/logical threadcores
: core (having one or more hardware threads)sockets
: socket (consisting of one or more cores)
Alternatively, the OMP_PLACES
environment variable can be defined using an
explicit ordered list of places with general syntax
OpenMP binding¶
While the places deal with the hardware resources, it doesn't define how the
threads are mapped to the places. To map of the threads to the places you use
the environment variable OMP_PROC_BIND=<bind>
. The value of <bind>
can be
one of the following values:
: distribute (spread) the threads as evenly as possibleclose
: bind threads close to the master threadmaster
: assign the threads to the same place as the master threadfalse
: allows threads to be moved between places and disables thread affinity
The best options depend on the characteristics of your application. In general
using spread
increase available memory bandwidth while using close
cache locality.