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Access to LUMI

To access LUMI, you need to be a member of a project that has been granted resources on LUMI. The LUMI consortium countries have different policies for accessing LUMI. An overview of the access policies is provided on the LUMI Supercomputer Get Started page.

In general, a Resource Allocator (RA) must create a project and invite the Principal Investigator (PI), i.e. the lead researcher, to the project. The project PI can then invite other project members. If you have been granted access to LUMI but didn't receive an invitation to a project, please contact your PI or your local organization. You may find contact information for your local organization on the LUMI Supercomputer Get Started page.

Please note that when using LUMI, you must accept and adhere to the LUMI Terms of Use.

Once you have received an invitation to a project on LUMI, you need to register to MyAccessID and accept the terms of use as instructed in the invitation. The procedure for registering to MyAccessID differs between the LUMI consortium countries. In general, the recommended authentication method is to use your home organization's identity provider. You should find it by typing your organization into the Choose Your Identity Provider search field. If you found your organization, but you got an error, please contact your identity provider for assistance. Alternative registration options are available for some countries. Please see the Puhuri documentation for information about these alternatives (the passport-based identity vetting is currently not available).

For the next step, you will be directed to the registration page, where you have to accept the Acceptable Use Policy and LUMI Terms of Use document, which is linked there. Please read them carefully!

Screenshot of registration portal
MyAccessID Registration portal

You may also modify the email address, but according to LUMI Terms of Use you must use your institutional email address. For a more detailed description of how to register for MyAccessID, please consult the Puhuri documentation (the passport-based identity vetting is currently not available).

Note for users associated to Finland:

If you already have a CSC user account, and have been invited to a Puhuri managed LUMI project: You must use the exactly same email address than with MyCSC when joining the project and when registering with MyAccessID. Otherwise another LUMI account will be created, and you end up with two separate LUMI accounts. See for account linking in the CSC documentation

The following short video shows an example procedure from receiving the email invitation to accessing the project's puhuri page.
This example uses a Czech consortium project. Note that the Puhuri portal might look slightly different for other countries.

<iframe id="kaltura_player" src="[streamerType]=auto&amp;flashvars[localizationCode]=en&amp;flashvars[leadWithHTML5]=true&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.position]=left&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.clickToClose]=true&amp;flashvars[chapters.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[chapters.layout]=vertical&amp;flashvars[chapters.thumbnailRotator]=false&amp;flashvars[streamSelector.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[EmbedPlayer.SpinnerTarget]=videoHolder&amp;flashvars[dualScreen.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[hotspots.plugin]=1&amp;flashvars[Kaltura.addCrossoriginToIframe]=true&amp;&wid=0_zexcx6xb" width="100%" height="400" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen allow="autoplay *; fullscreen *; encrypted-media *" sandbox="allow-downloads allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-presentation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" frameborder="0" title="LUMI Getting Started: Account via MyAccessID"></iframe>

Users with a Finnish allocation (via MyCSC) must follow the instructions given in the CSC documentation for creating a Finnish LUMI project.

Note that if you have a MyCSC account, and are joining a Puhuri managed LUMI project (= all other projects than projects allocated by Finland), you should: - Use the same email address than with MyCSC with the Puhuri managed LUMI project - Link your account to MyAccessID authentication (see CSC documentation )

Otherwise you will end up with a second LUMI account for the non-Finnish allocated LUMI project.