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Logging in (with SSH client)

Connecting to LUMI via the command line is possible from all major OS. Once you have completed the steps to setting up an SSH key pair and everything has synchronized, you can connect using an ssh client:

ssh -i <path-to-private-key> <username>

where you need to replace <path-to-private-key> with the path to the file which contains your private key and <username> with with your own username.

You should have received your username via email when your account was created. There may be a delay of up to a couple of hours from registering your SSH key until your account is created on LUMI, please be patient. If you are still not able to connect, please contact the user support team.

You will be prompted for the passphrase of the SSH key which is the one you entered when you generated the key. When you connect for the first time, you will also be asked to check the host key fingerprint of the system and need to type yes in order to accept it. The fingerprint of the LUMI login nodes are listed in the table below. Please make sure that the host key fingerprint matches one of these.

Key type Fingerprint
ED25519 SHA256:qCFZThjRw8nf0CiZ9rU7b6Zirjq8slAIl5r0xWaVoD0
RSA SHA256:ypbqdMWtk9ZdXEROkeEpv+3PCEXWjPLGI79IXGHe9ac
ECDSA SHA256:hY4mnRCYb8bRchTnVcFo7SqoHHHEsUh9Ym38F4sHN1Y


If you have trouble connecting to LUMI, you can run the SSH client with verbose output enabled to get more information about what happens when you try to connect:

ssh -vvv -i <path-to-private-key> <username>

If you are unable to connect and you contact the user support team, we recommend that you provide the output of this command as part of your support request.

In case you have forgotten your username, it can be retrieved via the different portals, depending on your resource allocator:

  • the Puhuri Portal by clicking on the Remote accounts in the left menu
  • myCSC by clicking on My Profile in the left menu
  • the SUPR portal under Account > Existing Accounts

LUMI login nodes (advanced)

LUMI has several login nodes, for reliability and for sharing the interactive workload. The name points automatically to one of the login nodes - the IP address to which it resolves will belong to one of:

Login node name IP Address

We recommend that you connect to and not directly to a specific login node, but it is possible to do, and it may be necessary for certain advanced use cases.

The IP number block that is used for external connections from LUMI is It contains these login nodes and also the NAT gateways for the compute nodes. You may need to open up your firewall for access from these IP numbers if you want to connect to your own servers from inside LUMI.